
ImagePart 12: Conclusion

So, that's the story of what happened to our dear, precious mother, Joy.

After all this time, and after all that's happened - even after we've shared this story to try to prompt some kind of conscientousness from Mustang Creek or their attorneys - we've come to understand that it is futile to hope anyone associated with Mustang Creek Estates will ever do what's right.

We give up.

We need to move on with our lives and grieve our parents, but we need to erase the ugliness that is Mustang Creek Estates, Rachel Suter, Renee Ramsey, and Tom Stauch from our lives. They are a stain on the memories of a precious, godly, faithful, loving woman.

If they had any kind of honor or integrity, or anything resembling a conscience, they would have offered a sincere, heartfelt apology and a refund without us having to ask long, long ago. (As the previous part explained, we have seen what truly good-hearted, caring, honest people will do - and we advise anyone looking for assisted living facilities for their loved ones, avoid Mustang Creek Estates at all costs for the sake of your precious family members. Find a place like Harbor Chase.)

Tom Stauch will never acknowledge or admit that his emails to us were passively aggressive, rude, cold, and insulting. He will never admit that he took a path playing both the bully and the coward - arrogantly threatening us all, but finally running to try to get the authorities to do his dirty work for him because he didn't have a real case and didn't have the courage to face the truth of how he had insulted us and diminished the memory of our mother. He, like his client, will never do what's right, but will continue to hide behind his "amicable" facade of double-edged words.

You can't force people to do the right thing.

So, the best we can do is follow Jesus' advice about turning the other cheek, and leave their ultimate judgment up to Him.

We won't have to be called on to account for our actions in all this to our ultimate Judge and Heavenly Father, because we have with all honesty and integrity sought Truth and fairness, and have been transparent. Someday, in the here and now or in the hereafter, those who have wounded us will account for their behavior and their selfishness...and their refusal to take ownership of their mistakes.

May God have mercy on us all.